
Ewood park

Pubs killing our gate says Premiership club

By Ewan Turney

Blackburn Rovers FC has blamed dwindling attendance figures on pubs using foreign satellite systems to screen closed-period games. Rovers chairman...

London lawyers to challenge Sky

London lawyers to challenge Sky

A firm of London solicitors is offering to defend licensees against criminal prosecution for showing foreign satellite football. The firm,...

World Cup fans 'snubbed pub for BBQs'

World Cup fans 'snubbed pub for BBQs'

By John Harrington

The 2006 World Cup was a "barbecue World Cup" - not a pub-visiting tournament - thanks to cheap off-trade alcohol. That is the view of S&NUK...

Three more foreign football cases dropped

Three more foreign football cases dropped

By Iain O'Neil

Sky and the FA Premier League have dropped charges against three Portsmouth licensees who showed foreign satellite football in their pubs. Derek...

Sky and FAPL suffer football defeat

Sky and FAPL suffer football defeat

By Iain O'Neil

Sky and the FAPL are considering dropping charges against three Portsmouth licensees after suffering defeat in the courts again. Andrew Cornwall of...

Do your sums on Sky

Do your sums on Sky

By Andrew Pring

Arrogant. Insulting. Heavy-handed. And greedy. Just some of the politer comments from readers when they learnt Sky's charges will rise by 13% next...

The sky pint logo

Sky's the limit

Since news broke of Sky's 13% subscription rise from next season, licensees have been contacting Morning Advertiser in their droves to say they will...

Sky's pint logo

Pub trade slams Sky price hike

By Tony Halstead

Trade groups and licensees have condemned Sky's latest subscription hike which will see charges rise by more than 13% from next August. NEW COMMENT

World Cup fever sets tills ringing

World Cup fever sets tills ringing

By Tony Halstead

Licensees and pub operators celebrated a bonanza trading weekend as heatwave temperatures and England's opening World Cup match against Paraguay...

Pubs celebrate calm start to World Cup

Pubs celebrate calm start to World Cup

Pubs up and down the country enjoyed a trouble-free start to the World Cup - but the same could not be said for the big screen events in Liverpool...

Pubs ready for football fest

Pubs ready for football fest

By Ewan Turney

England's licensees prepare for World Cup boost with an extra 11million pints expected to be poured this Saturday.

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£ 60,000 - Leasehold

Busy location on coastal main road Extensively renovated detached public house Five trade areas (100)  Sizeable refurbished 4-5 bedroom accommodation Newly created beer garden (125) Established and popular business...

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