
Jac Roper


By Chris Losh

This month former Wine magazine editor Chris Losh looks at ideas for the roast and different white wines for your list. Food and wine matching With...

On the safe side

On the safe side

Ben McFarland reports on a one-man mission to bring alcohol-free drinks to the UK.Dale Hemming-Tyler is a man on a mission. From his headquarters in...

Peter Kealy looks to the United States for inspirational ideas that can work in Ireland. His commitment to the deli concept has paid dividends over the years


By Chris Losh

Each month former Wine magazine editor Chris Losh will bearming pub staff with ideas for boosting wine sales. Barossa style shows the way Of all of...

Red Cat

Red Cat

Crank, Lancashire The Red Cat is situated in an area of central Lancashire where you might expect beer to be the favourite pub drink rather than...

Crooked Billet

Crooked Billet

Stoke Row, Oxfordshire Paul Clerehugh has a notion that pubco Brakspear only gave him the tenancy of the Crooked Billet in order to prove that the...

Gordon Hepburn receives an engraved decanter for his years of work to the Guild of Q.


By Chris Losh

Each month former Wine magazine editor Chris Losh will be arming pub staff with ideas for boosting wine sales. Coping with Carmenère PubChef's new...

A merry wine list

A merry wine list

Over the last two weeks, I have received a number of e-mails from licensees, asking me to write about which wines go best with rich Christmas fare...

Nobody's perfect

Nobody's perfect

New MA wine columnist Fiona Sims takes a look at the Nobody Inn's superb offer Somebody asked me the other day which pubI thought had the best wine...

Stars in your bars

Stars in your bars

Have you ever thought how a film or pop star could boost wine sales? Short of having their company for a fleeting visit, the next best idea would be...

Lengthen your list

Lengthen your list

In my last column, we took our first tentative steps towards creating a wine list with a wider selection. As far as whites were concerned, we...

Grape of good hope

Grape of good hope

Wine may be the fastest-growing drinks category in the on-trade, but the widely held belief is that licensees are still doing nowhere near enough to...

Spice up offerings

Spice up offerings

More e-mails have hit my desk recently, and the majority of them relate to roughly the same issue. The general theme is more or less like this: you...

Merchants of woe

Merchants of woe

Now that summer is well and truly with us, we can hopefully look forward to a very welcome, busy trading period. This is the time when we licensees...

The Spirit of wine

The Spirit of wine

Jason Danciger of Spirit Group tells the secrets of the company's wine offer to Ben McFarland.When the Spirit Group, formerly known as Punch Retail,...

Quality counts

Quality counts

The following article is brought to you by Jacob's Creek.A quality glassWine is all about enjoyment, whatever the occasion a delicious glass of red...

Canada's star turns

Canada's star turns

Canada is a rising star in the world of wine. To date, little appreciated on this side of the Atlantic, its wines are worth seeking out, providing...

Beware of rejects

Beware of rejects

Following quite a few requests by e-mail, this week we will take a look at faulty or out-of-condition bottles of wine. They do put in an appearance...

Bottled sunshine

Bottled sunshine

Imagine a region where viticulture dates back to the 7th-century BC and which currently yields fruity, spicy wines that are both easy drinking and...

The fruitful age

The fruitful age

No matter where you go, in the world of wine that is, there is one particular type of wood that is inextricably associated with the maturation of...